Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 12: Community Radio Station

I'm alive!!  I haven't had access to the internet in about 5 days and I didn't miss it even once.  No internet?  Who cares I say!  But nonetheless I am here catching up on work and writing about what I've done.  On Day 11, I visited one of the community radio station.  The radio station is literally an attic above a store.  The station is funded by the owner of the store and anyone is free to use it, more of a public radio type of format.  I visited the station out of curiosity.  In the dark room, I found one DJ playing cumbias on a computer which sat on an old table.  Despite their low resources, it was great to see the dedication to making the station work.

After visiting the station, I headed to dinner with my godfather.  We ended up at a taco stand.  The taqueria is run by Salvadorans who lived in Guadalajara, Mexico for many years and later returned to El Salvador.  The tacos taste authentically Mexican but the sauces taste Salvadoran.  Talk about a fusion restaurant.  I spent some time talking to the owner after he greeted me by saying Chale! you should check the tacos out (in Spanish of course).  Ha.  So I ate some tacos and I took a picture of his Mexican/Salvadoran allegiance.

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